Tips for Engaging with your social media customers

Do you ever feel that your social media platforms are a one way street and ask yourself, “is there anybody listening?”

Using social data you can maximise your content exposure and generate opportunities for engagement. Here are six tips on how data can help you create a two-way communication.

  • Know when your audience is online. Of course as social platforms are accessible on-the-go your users are far more connected than ever. However knowing when they are actively talking about a certain subject will give you an idea of when is the best time to post your messages.
  • Start speaking their language. Identify their key concerns or cause for happiness related to your topic. This will make your message resonate further with them.
  • Stop focusing on just yourself. By knowing what else your fans like and are actively talking about you could start forging valuable brand partnerships.
  • Know what is going on in your industry. Are there any key events taking place which your audience is likely to talk about? Make sure you are also taking part in this conversation.
  • Know your influencers. Knowing who the thought leaders in your industry are is the starting point for your brand advocacy program.
  • Use engaging methods of communications. Whether it’s using in-platform functions such as Twitter polls, or creating smart vines and GIF make sure your content is visually stunning. And the most important thing of all, ask for an interaction, invite users to ask questions, or take action with your content.

To see how DMS can create engaging content for you please contact:

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