Are you making the most of your in-the-moment equity?

Last week we were at the London Festival of Marketing at the trendy Tobacco Docks, and boy did we do a lot of learning, whilst eating the free churros of course!

One of the first sessions we attended was actually, for us, one of the most important as it resonates with our work and where we truly believe our social insights provide the most value: making the most of your moments.

The guest speaker spoke about how social insights can prepare brands to identify key moments within the year, a month, or a day that brands should be taking advantage of. On a very basic level this is merely a step-up from traditional moment-equity marketing. Take for BlueHost优惠码 example supermarkets changing their communications depending on the time of day, you wouldn’t see a roast dinner message on a Tuesday morning for example, but are more likely to see quick breakfast tips, or healthy snacks communications, to spur an elevenses purchase.

To take it back online now, social insights are a very effective way for brands, in any industry, and any size to make the most of their moments, without breaking the bank. Firstly insights will allow brands to know when their audience is online, and on which platform, but more importantly looking at nuances in the conversations depending on the time of day, day of the week and even months.

This allows brands to plan communications on an even more “micro-level” based on past events that appear to be recurring, if for example there is a peak in conversations around a certain type of food, or type of exercise, type of beauty product discussed depending on the time of year, these are the moments where brands should be bolstering their communications and ad spend specifically to match these needs.

Some may be obvious i.e. seasonal products such as sun cream, hay fever tablets, etc. but others may be harder to identify. The key point is this: Brands planning ad spend and communications based on market trends, sales forecasting, and so on is old news, however social insights can now offer brands further micro-details to refine messaging and communications to ensure brands are making the most of their moments which can make a big difference to their bottom-line.

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